To view your team:
Registration Deadline
Sunday, March 30 at 22:00 GMT
Submit your team before the timer runs out!
How to Participate
Make Your Team
Before March 30

5 Active TV anime

3 Bench TV anime

Take Your Action
Week 1 to 13

Your Best Anime

Active & Bench

Starting Week 10

Final Ranking Announced
End of Week 13
Whoever collected the most points, wins!
Points & Prizes
Some things have changed since last season, so please read the rules for more details on how points are given and which prizes are available.
Make Your Team
You need to choose:
- 5 Active TV anime = series which will collect points for you
- 3 Bench TV anime = series which will wait in reserve for you to swap them in (no points collected)
Blacklisted Anime (1)
These TV anime are either too popular or start airing too early to be included in the game.
Restricted Anime (3)
Due to high popularity, you can choose a maximum of 1 anime from these titles.
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Eligible Anime (59)
All of these TV anime are eligible to be added to your team.
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Apr 03 JST
Apr 06 JST
My Team:
/5 active,
/3 bench